The roads can be long, straight and deserted.
It is not unusal to drive for 250 miles in a straight line
without seeing another car!
In the harsh desert conditions of the Australian outback,
Simon's 6-Cylinder factory-turbo Toyota Landcruiser
is an appropriate vehicle for exploration
...where our accommodation was the old sheep-shearers quarters
of the former woolshed built in 1850,
now preserved as a historic heritage site
of the former woolshed built in 1850,
now preserved as a historic heritage site
This year the desert has come to life with fresh growth after recent rains
Flood waters from further north in Queensland drain into the River Darling
that flows through the Kinchega National Park.Lakes that have been dry for over a decade are now brimming full
as the River Darling flowed into the flood plainThe gum trees, now with wet roots, have lush new growth
I shall show more pictures of the Kinchega lakes
and some of the wildlife in my next post